Wednesday, May 17, 2023


Someone much wiser than most has pointed out that it is not a requirement to be aligned with the majority to be correct. About rightness and wrongness much has been written and much too has been spruiked from podiums, pulpits and at political rallies and for the most part it is ideologically challengeable in the claims that whatever is spuiked is the ''proper way".

There has never been a war that has not been fought between two groups of people who do whatever they are do because they think that without question their way the right way.  That is what makes them so very, very dangerous and their advice so poor.

Almost invariably the 'proper way' advocated is that straight and narrow pathway from wherever one happens to be to the lowest common denominator and the mediocre. PROPERway proponents are the people who set out to talk you out of your dreams and aspirations. They have nothing they wish to share with you except their ideological visions.

Matshona Dhliwayo tells us not to let mediocre people talk us out of our dream. Poignantly, he also points out that  lions have little in common with sheep. Nevertheless, there are those in the political class who subliminally undermine visionaries and the thinkers willing to take bold risks on the grounds that they have seen the light and consequently 'they' know the way forward. 

Sadly, the facts suggest that they stumble along looking for the true way forward missing all the sign posts to opportunity as they go.

All too often the light these ideologues refer to is a mirage. When they creep out of their citadels banging their drums and blowing their trumpets we rightly need to be alarmed as our dreams, our aspirations, our cultural realities are highly likely to be under threat and at risk.

In the upcoming Launcestonian Mayoral election we a starting to see the RIGHTEOUSright popping up here and there touting their stuff along with FISCALaspirants trying yet again to pull a stunt, to get another chance to get their snouts in the trough, all on gossamer thin performance records.

Albert Einstein deduced very early on in his career that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is insanity. The STATUSquoism at Launceston's Town Hall rates very well in the insanity stakes given all the lost opportunities that ratepayers pay dearly for with negative outcome upon negative outcome being serially and surreally delivered.

The GOODbook in Matthew 7:15 tells us “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." Whatever, or whoever, one places their trust in/with, this is universally good advice. 

So, beware and be aware!

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