Sunday, May 21, 2023


The third and final stage of the Future of Local Government Review will be delayed due to an extended deadline for consultation. [GOODNESS GRACIOUS!]

On Friday, Local Government Minister Nic Street said more a intensive engagement process was needed. [Albert Einstein ... Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” ]

"I have agreed to the Local Government Association of Tasmania's request for government support in the form of additional time and funding to help it coordinate council submissions across the nine community catchments identified by the board in its stage two report," he said. [But is the LGA looking after its member's income prospects? They have much invested in the status quo's unsustainability] 

The second stage of the review was also delayed by three months due to a lack of engagement from the community. [OMG ... Has the community spotted the machiavellianism at work and backed away?

Mr Street said he has always said positive and lasting reform was most likely to succeed where the sector is actively involved in the co-design of any proposals. [How can the community trust a process when the consultation process is apparently designed to give the ideological outcome wanted. It's the 21st C and it's time to change consultation processes]

"I believe the LGAT proposal reflects a level of genuine intent and goodwill from the sector to invest the time and effort to consider sensible, practical, and achievable structural reform options," he said.[Well, possibly just so long as members' income prospects are not under threat! ]

Mr Street has written to the Local Government Board requesting that it extend its current engagement timeframe by six weeks to August 2. [AGAIN ... Albert Einstein ... Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” ]

"I have also decided to extend the board's final reporting date by one month, to October 31, to accommodate the additional engagement period so the board still has enough time to formulate its recommendations," he said. [Well, the question hanging is, will extra time allow any room for a paradigm shift in order to fix a broken and outmoded model? ]

LGAT president and West Tamar mayor, Christina Holmdahl, said the review was at a critical stage. [OF COURSE IT IS ... That is all want is the status quo with a bandaid here, a stitch there and a patch over there!]

"The original timeframe provided by the board was not sufficient for councils to meaningfully participate at this critical stage of the Review," she said. [It is NOT the Councils that matter it is their constituencies for whom the current broken is NOT delivering GOOD GOVERNANCE]

"We are pleased the minister has responded positively to LGATs request for additional time and funding and look forward to working through the further information to be provided by the Board on reform opportunities." [SURE IS ... If all that is wanted is the status quo with cosmetic changes]
Apparently, a wise comedian said something like“you always pass failure on your way to success” so let's pray out loud right now that she/he was on the money!

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