A LIST ...  To: Premier Rockliff <>; Minister Nic Street Street <>; Office of Local Government <>; Anita Dow MP <>; White, Rebecca <>; Mayor Albert van Zetten : <>; Deputy Mayor Danny Gibson <>; Contact Us <> ... Cc: Councillor Andrea Dawkins <>; Councillor Nick Daking <>; Councillor Hugh McKenzie <>; Councillor Karina Stojansek <>; Councillor Rob Soward <>; Councillor Paul Spencer <>; Councillor Jim Cox <>; Councillor Alan Harris <>; Councillor Tim Walker <>; Councillor Krista Preece <>; Examiner Editor <>; MERCURY <>; Archer, Bridget (MP) <>; Rosemary Armitage MLC <>; Palmer, Joanne <>; 2 Duigan Nicholas <>; 15. O’Byrne, Michelle <>;



This move by whoever is as outrageous as it comes. The ‘facility’ in question should not be built at all under current circumstances. At least not for a cohort of the privileged few at the expense of ‘the public’. 


If such a facility is warranted at all it should be a public facility and it should be provided for all albeit at the expense of the privacy of a privileged few employees at Town Hall.


For instance, Cr Spencer thinks it is enough to abstain if his ‘tradie mates’ do not get a crack at a contract that looks for all the world like what tradies call a ‘juicy job’. 


If Cr Spencer were to be supporting ratepayers, as he so often claims that he is there to do, he would be not only be voting against this motion getting a second run but moving to have the second vote disallowed. No doubt he’d tell us that he wouldn’t have the numbers for that. Maybe it is not ‘the numbers’ that are missing.


In any event, if any Councillor were to move against taking a revote, then they would be testing the resolve of all those of those who imagine that:

  • This facility is in fact needed; and 
  • That it is needed now; and 
  • With this obvious level of ‘juiciness’ is justified, and 
  • With this level of unaccountability, and 
  • All the while imaging that the community will support them in their excess – indeed continue to vote for them.


When the ‘good burgers’ get their feet under the table and expose themselves to criticism and critique with their accountability on the line, it will be more than interesting to see just how much distain the Councillors collectively hold for their constituency. 


Likewise, it will be very interesting to observe just who has ‘the bottle’ to hold fast to a position for which there is every likelihood that there will be diminishing support for them holding it. This class of dodgy decision making in Open Council needs to be taken very careful note of.


The GM (AKA CEO) might be able to look forward to retaining his mega salary given that these very same Councillors recently chose not to open his position up to all comers. If Launceston ratepayers look away at times like now, well they expose themselves to all kinds of ongoing risk and abuse.


What we have on display here is hubris blighted by just about every kind of self-assessed entitlement. Great achievers harbour the greatest levels of doubt. So, when it comes to confidence in one’s self-worth it is worth thinking about the fact that typically that it is granted to the talentless as a consolation prize. It does not come without achievement, it never has, and it never will be otherwise. ... Ray Norman

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