Monday, May 22, 2023


At its last meeting Launceston Council experienced Launceston College students fronting the Acting Mayor and the GM/CEO with their parking problems – See

Not to put too fine a point on it, but they were fobbed off with that good old bureaucratic stand bye that goes, "lets talk about it". Like the city's growing number of issues upon issue, such as say 'housing stress', the council is talking, and talking and talking. Very soon there will be a report that tells us that whatever it is its not really anything that the council can do anything about ... yet again, over and over, do nothing, job done.

The students no doubt will get a lesson or two in obfuscatory politics and it might as well be now as later in life. The thing is, as likely as not they will handle themselves very well and the council functionaries might find out a thing or two. These students will have done their homework and soon enough they'll find out about calling a public meetings to hold the council to account plus all sorts of other things they shouldn't know.

Basically, Launceston's Town Hall is treating its ratepayers with scant regard and anyone who has been disadvantaged, or is in distress, they can expect the minimal amount of consideration. 

When a developer calls out a Councillor and the council administration for "BULLYING" the signal is clear that all is not well.

Local government in Launceston has been in steady decline for way too long and the college students might well be another straw to test the camel's carrying capacity. If those in housing distress rise up beside them along with the disabled and the frail the camel might well buckle at the knees.

Getting stress out of our lives takes much more than a prayer. We need to take action and make changes. We need to stop whatever is causing the stress. We can learn to calm down and handle things because change is actually a possibility. As is so often said, watch this space.


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