Tuesday, May 16, 2023


FOREWORD: 2 PM Tuesday May 16, the Tasmanian Electoral Commission was unable, or unwilling, to provide any reliable information on the upcoming election for Launceston’s new Mayor following Mayor Gibson’s shock resignation and the apauling circumstances where he was attacked personally in such cowardly ways. 


Sadly, what brought on his unfortunate and untimely resignation has left a significant hole at Town Hall. Interestingly, there are commentators canvasing what appears to be reliable assessments of the protocols but nonetheless ‘the authority’ seemed to be obfuscating for whatever extraordinary reason or caught short.


Whatever is going on ‘politically’ right now in Tasmania falls well short of anything that vaguely represents accountability and transparency and if Launceston Council’s constituents are being ‘kept in the dark’ for whatever reason it is just not good enough. 


In time no doubt the facts will reveal themselves and as likely as not there will be a CONGAline of ‘would-bes-if-they could-bes’ looking to put their snouts in the trough with self interest front of mind. They’ll be testing their luck in the MAYROALstakes soonish either as candidates or as some sort of beneficiary. Whatever, it’ll be what it will be!


However, and whatever, cronyism should play no part whatsoever in local governance and placemaking but sadly Launceston is blighted by this sleezy political phenomena that has cost ratepayers so dearly – $Millions in fact. Rub a crony just a little and the ‘self-interest genie’ will pop out of the bottle quick smart – so beware and be aware.


In any event The Tasmanian Electoral Commission seems to have been caught off guard and perhaps understandably. Whatever, Launcestonians will have their say as to who will be their Mayor, and that will be ‘democratically’ determined with any current Councillor eligible to stand. 


Those Launcestonians not yet on Launceston’s General Manager’s Roll will need to act quickly as additions to that roll will close on June 1. Do not expect Town Hall’s executive wing to be proactive here.


Currently, Launceston has just shy of 50,000 voting constituents and the cost of the by-election might well be something in the order $250,000. Voters might want to consider that when they vote and likewise give the sleezy politics that drove Mayor Gibson into his distressing and untenable position more than a passing thought. Whoever they are, they need to be outed and ideally tarred and feathered in the Medieval way in Civic Square! Sadly, even that would be too good for such unprincipled reprobate(s?).



The MAYROALstakes: Whoever, runs in the race should undergo the most vigorous scrutiny as Launceston’s constituency has experience far too much BUREAUbullying for well over a decade with many of the sycophantic cheer squad still lingering around somewhere looking for whatever crumbs can be gleaned.


That The Examiner called out such bullying recently is a breath of fresh air and with one of the proponents still standing the citizens of Launceston will need to cast their votes very, very, carefully as there is great deal to consider even if the bully called out will not be a candidate.


At the most recent Council elections Launcestonians made something of a seismic shift towards greater accountability and transparency albeit that there may well be a way to go yet. At every turn, the STATUSquoist fight tooth and nail to put stones in the road and to hold on to whatever it is they currently enjoy via the largess of the administrative fiefdom and otherwise.


Some of the candidates this time around will come with ‘baggage’ and some of it clandestine, covert, furtive, and speculatively with some of it being somewhat shonky – illicit even. Who knows? In any event constituents need to polish up their credibility antenna and get their moral compasses out given what is always at stake in local governance given all that they have at stake.


What is really needed right now is a CHANGE AGENT with a working moral compass and someone with the personal wherewithal to step up to the plate. Launcestonians will need to think very carefully about all this. 


Experience is a subjective assessment and those who have been around a while will remember say Mayor Jimmy Tsinoglou and they might well remember him for having the good sense to have a very competent ‘personal assistant’ to assist with language and protocol .Then there have been other ‘newbies’ who sought such assistance with one even having a ‘batman of sorts’ to make sure that the ‘errant mayroal gravy spots’ got sorted before a ribbon cutting. 

Launcestonians also need to think very carefully about the position of Deputy Mayor if the current Deputy wins their support. The Electoral Commission confirms that in that case the position will be determined “around the table”. Therefore, they should consider that very carefully when they distribute their preferences in order to send a very clear message to ‘the table’. Launcestonian’s preferences must be considered in the Deputy’s determination stakes and the STATUSquoists who falter must pay close attention, and for a change, put Launcestonians’ aspirations before their own.



 Alison Foletta

Updated May 16 2023 – 

1:05pm, first published 12:12pm


Acting-mayor, Matthew Garwood has announced he will run to be elected to take the position left vacant by Danny Gibson on Monday.

Cr Garwood was elected to the deputy mayor role in October 2022 despite no experience in council governance but said his work in the community reflected his commitment and it was always something that was on the cards.


In a statement, Cr Garwood said stepping into the acting mayoral role was a part of the deputy job.

"It's part of the deputy mayor position, you have to be ready to step in at any time," he said.


It was also announced following Cr Gibson resignation as mayor, there would be an election for mayor arranged by the Tasmanian Electoral Commission.


Mr Garwood said the community had put their trust in him when elected.


Cr Garwood said he was shocked when Cr Gibson announced his resignation.

"I've known Danny a long time," he said.


"It's never nice to see anybody to go through something like this and to have seen how hard he's work to get to this point and the amount he gives to the community; it's just absolutely devastating."


Cr Garwood said he did have reservations about online backlash and trolling, like what Cr Gibson had faced, saying online could be a "scary space".


"There always is that position when putting yourself forward for anything there will be comments, you have to have somewhat a thick skin to deal with it.


"Whether you're the nicest person in the entire world, there is always that chance that somebody's going to say something negative or derogatory."

Cr Garwood works at the Chilli FM radio station as content director and said should he be elected as a mayor he would have some "tough conversations".

"If I was to take on mayor, the priority would be committed to the mayoral duties and the community," he said.

With Tuesday as his first day as acting-mayor, Cr Garwood said he had been taking meetings in the Chilli offices thanks to his supportive work team.


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