In recent weeks, in fact years, Launceston’s elected representatives have behaved appallingly, and it is evidenced mostly by the hubris on display around the table at Town Hall. Councillors’ blatant disregard for their constituency has reached the point where the community must act if they are to bring about change. .
One Councillor reports that the incumbent Councillors are comfortable with their performance and hold a consensus view that says that if they wish to stand ‘on their record’ they will be re-elected. .

However, there is now a network of Launcestonians who think that compulsory voting can shatter the foundations upon which such a hubristic belief system is built upon. Funding is being put together to mount a campaign that advocates: DO NOT VOTE FOR AN INCUMBENT COUNCILLOR.  Each and every Launceston voter, who is dissatisfied with Councillors’ performance can quietly send a message to these non-performing incumbent Councillors by writing the word NO in the box next to the name of any incumbent with the arrogance to stand for re-election. ................. Not only will they be registering their protest they will do so in a way that can counted for future reference. 

Any incumbent who wishes to avoid the ignominy of this can RESIGN RIGHT NOW and stand for election on their demonstrated commitment to accountability, and their record too of course. 

There comes a time to flush the system and that time is now! 

Consider these things: 
• Most recently the majority of incumbent Councillors voted to expend $600K so that they could have a shower in privacy and not allow others the same privilege; 

• In recent years the majority of incumbent Councillors voted to give some private developers a discount on payable fees to develop property in a flood prone zone cum tidal flat; 

• In recent years the majority of incumbent Councillors voted to relieve CBD property owners of the need to pay for their own promotion and marketing; and 

People in the network have more to reveal as the election campaign rolls out

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