Monday, May 29, 2023


It is becoming increasingly bewildering as inexplicable events unfold in Tasmania and Launceston. Witnessing the lived experiences of a great many Launcestonians is nothing short of bewildering as daily inexplicable events unfold 


Senator Wish-Wilson has likened a lot of this political carry on to the histories attached to Roman Empire building. As he reminds us, the Emperors handed out free bread and staged circuses to placate the people and rid to themselves troublesome nonconformists.

Sadly right now the needy people in housing stress are not getting their free bread and good people are being fed to the lions because the autocratic empire builders, and their servants, are surplus to requirement.


The metaphoric similarities become increasingly obvious as the empowered throw away their money, hang on a minute, our hard-won earnings on frivolities in the hope that we will thank them.  


It is encouraging to see that there are increasing numbers of people who are becoming les os and less inclined to go quietly to the circus and engage in the gladiatorial blood lust or the Orwellian doublespeak that is being fed to the masses.

Douglas Adams told us that the answer to life, the universe and everything, according to the super computer, DEEP THOUHT [VIDEO LINK] is 42 – h2g2, meaning of life, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.  Adams also noted that us humans are sort of unique given our ability to learn from the experience of others. However, he also noted that we are also quite remarkable for our apparent disinclination to do so. 

Quite possibly all this explains in part as to why it is that self appreciating empire builders think that they can all at once be clowns, magicians, animal trainers, ring masters even, under some glitzy big top or other without the need to even hand out the free bread. 

These want-to-be empire builders of this weird world actually carry an enormous liability in their certainty that their double-dealing is too clever to be detected. Their trouble comes along when their folly is exposed and the crowds start to boo loudly.

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