City of Launceston Council Meeting AgendThursday 13 June 2024

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16.1. Homelessness Statement of Commitment 16.1. Homelessness Statement of Commitment


AUTHOR: Nindarra Wheatley (Community Development Officer Inclusion)

APPROVER: Chelsea van Riet (General Manager Community and Place)


To endorse and adopt the Homelessness: Statement of Commitment.


Local Government Act 1993 (Tas)

Anti-discrimination Act 1998 (Tas)

Police Offences Act 1935 (Tas)


Workshop - 18 January 2024 - Homelessness Strategy Presentation

Council Meeting - 8 February 2024– 12.1. Homelessness: Statement of Commitment

Workshop - 9 May 2024 - 1.2. Homelessness: Statement of Intent Community

Consultation Outcomes.


That Council endorse the Homelessness Statement of Commitment included as

attachment 1 to this report (ECM Doc Set ID 5023626).


The Council has committed to playing an important leadership role in addressing

homelessness in Launceston. The Homelessness: Statement of Commitment sets out the

vision for a united and cohesive approach to addressing homelessness in Launceston. It

follows other council initiatives that respond to homelessness including establishing, in

September 2022, the Homeless Advisory Committee following reports of increased people

experiencing homelessness in Launceston. Council’s work in homelessness was further

supported through the employment of a Community Development Officer – Inclusion in

January 2023.

In August 2023, best practice examples of how local governments can act responsively

and respectfully when addressing homelessness were investigated by the Community

Development team to inform development of the statement of commitment.

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This Homelessness: Statement of Commitment has been developed within the framework

of the City of Launceston’s Corporate Strategic Plan 2014 – 2024. It is the product of a

collaborative process developed with many stakeholders. In early 2024 the first draft of the

statement of commitment was released for feedback from stakeholders working in and

around Launceston in the homelessness field. Those involved in the development of this

document have included outreach workers, people with lived experience of homelessness,

interest groups, the homelessness advisory committee, the northern community action

group and non-profit organisations.

Feedback was also sought from the broader community through a facilitated four-week

community consultation process in March 2024.

The statement of commitment has been informed by current research into homelessness

and presents a contemporary and dignity-first approach to responding to homelessness in

Launceston. Officers have also acquired the artwork of a local Tasmanian Aboriginal artist,

Rod Gardener, who has lived experienced of homelessness around the streets of

Launceston for many years. The artwork represents Rod's interpretations of Launceston

and provide a unique story to support our statement of commitment.

Key council milestones related to homelessness:

• Oct 2021: Homelessness response group established: Weather event/COVID


• Sep 2022: Homelessness Advisory Committee formalised (strategic purpose).

• Jan 2023: Recruitment of full time Community Development Officer Inclusion (2-

year contract working on homelessness, Access and the Aboriginal Partnership


• Feb 2023: Appointment of Team Leader – Community Development.

• Mar 2023: Creation of the Northern Community Action Group (direct action by

service providers and council officers).

• Aug 2023: Council became a Member of the National local government community

of practice for homelessness.

• Oct 2023: Draft homelessness strategy presented to Homelessness Advisory

Committee for feedback.

• Nov 2023: Draft homelessness strategy presented to Northern Community Action

Group for feedback.

• Nov 2023: Draft Homelessness Statement of Commitment presented to Senior

Leadership Team for feedback.

• Nov 2023: Draft Homelessness Statement of Commitment presented to Executive

Leadership Team.

• Jan 2024: Draft Homelessness Statement of Commitment presented to Council


• Feb 2024: Draft Homelessness Statement of Commitment presented to Council

meeting before public consultation commenced.

• March 2024: Draft Homelessness Statement of Commitment community

consultation period (4 weeks).

• May 24: Homelessness Statement of Commitment presented to Council workshop

to share feedback and updates to the document following community consultation.

• June 24: Draft Homelessness Statement of Commitment presented to Council for

endorsement and adoption.

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RISK IMPLICATIONS: Not considered relevant to this report.


The Homelessness: Statement of Commitment allows the City of Launceston to act

consciously with a person-centred dignity first focus, empowering the City of Launceston to

conscientiously address homelessness. Adoption will have positive social impacts,

promote health and wellbeing, bolster social interaction, reduce incivility, and increase a

sense of place for all who call Launceston home.


City of Launceston Corporate Strategic Plan 2014 - 2024

Strategic Priority 1: We connect with our community and our region through meaningful

engagement, cooperation and representation.

10-Year Goal: To seek out and champion positive engagement and collaboration to

capitalise on the major opportunities and address the future challenges facing our

community and region.

Focus Areas:

1. To develop and consistently utilise contemporary and effective community

engagement processes.

3 To advocate and collaborate to enhance regionally significant services and

infrastructure for the benefit of our communities.

Strategic Priority 5: We serve and care for our community by providing equitable and

efficient services that reflects needs and expectations of our community.

10-Year Goal: To offer access to services and spaces for all community members and to

work in partnership with stakeholders to address the needs of vulnerable communities.

Focus Areas:

1. To plan for and provide services and facilities that recognises the changing

demographics and needs of our community.

2. To define and communicate our role in promoting social inclusion and equity.

3. To work in partnership with community organisations and other levels of government

to maximise participation opportunities for vulnerable and diverse members of the


4. To support the delivery of programs and events for people to connect with each other

through participation in community activities and civic life.

6. To enhance community awareness of the impacts of uncertain weather patterns,

natural and other disasters, and build community resilience.

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