Public Questions on Notice

Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 - Regulation 31(1)

8.1.1. Public Questions on Notice - Tim Shaw - St Leonards Structure Plan and Infrastructure Funding Framework - 8 August 2024 8.1.1. Public Questions on Notice - Tim Shaw - St Leonards Structure Plan and

Infrastructure Funding Framework - 8 August 2024


AUTHOR: Lorraine Wyatt (Council and Committees Officer)

APPROVER: Sam Johnson OAM (Chief Executive Officer)


The following questions, submitted to Council on 8 August 2024 by Tim Shaw, have been

answered by Nathan Williams (Chief Financial Officer) and Rosanna Coombes (Strategic

Projects Advisor).


[Regarding Agenda item 17.1]

1. Why does it not say that Mesh, who are a Mainland company, failed to deliver on the

South Prospect development?


Council officers are satisfied that Mesh Liveable Communities Pty Ltd. (Mesh) has met

its contractual obligations regarding development south of Prospect, and do not concur

with Mr. Shaw's opinions regarding Mesh's service provision.

Mesh has been involved with the feasibility and planning of development south of

Prospect since the very early stages of the project. The initial contract included

facilitation of an Enquiry by Design workshop (2019) with landowners, stakeholders,

and Council officers, the preparation of an initial Strathroy Masterplan, investigation

work, project managment costs and framework development. The Enquiry by Design

provided the initial scope and parameters for the project and established the

framework for further feasibility studies to support the preparation of a Framework

Plan. The Mesh contract was fully completed to the satisfaction of Council officers and


Mesh was again contracted in 2022 to provide urban planning advice to Council

officers during the feasibility assessment phase and prepare a Framework Plan and

Narrative upon completion of all aspects of the feasibility assessment. To support the

preparation of a framework plan, Council contracted specialist firms to prepare

feasibility analysis including for example, traffic impact assessments, road and

stormwater concept design, residential land supply and demand assessment,

neighbourhood retail studies, and natural values assessments. During this period,

City of Launceston

Council Meeting Agenda

Thursday 22 August 2024

Page 14

Mesh completed on-site visits, held meetings with officers to provide on-going urban

planning advice, prepared a number of iterations of framework plans based on a range

of scenarios and multiple changes in direction from landowners, provided guidance

and support on best practice planning for the activity centre, met with landowners to

discuss planning scenarios and best planning practices, and provided a number of

planning tools including but not limited to, cross-sections of road sections, bushland

transition zones, and open space and active transportation alternatives. As various

studies were completed during the feasibility phase, Mesh completed updated concept

level plans for consideration by the landowners and Council officers. These services

were provided as required, to the highest standards, and have met the expectations of

Council officers.

In November 2023, prior to the completion of the feasibility phase, the landowners

advised Council that they wished to disengage from the framework planning process

and pursue their own property specific Planning Scheme amendments based on their

own planning advice and consultant reports. Upon disengaging from the framework

planning process, the landowners were advised by Council that they would be required

to finalise and present the strategic justification (i.e. framework plan and narrative) for

any planning scheme amendments they wished to submit. With written confirmation

from the landowners that they would disengage and complete their own planning,

Council suspended the framework planning process, acknowledged the services

provided by Mesh to-date, and terminated the Mesh contract.

Council officers have no hesitation with recommending Mesh Liveable Communities

Pty Ltd for the completion of the St. Leonards Structure Plan.

2. How much money in total has the City of Launceston paid to Mesh for the South



Council has spent a total of $183,431 with Mesh since the inception of the South

Prospect/Strathroy project, dating back to 2018/2019.

$97,106 was spent on the initial work involving the facilitation of an Enquiry by Design

workshop, initial Strathroy Masterplan, investigation work, project management costs

and framework development.

$86,325 has been spent with Mesh since 2022 on the provision of urban planning

advice and services to Council during the feasibility assessment phase (see response

1 for a list of services).

The popular Launceston suburb of St Leonards will benefit from the finalisation of a plan to guide the delivery of 3,500 new homes and community infrastructure over the next 30 years. The City of Launceston successfully applied for funding from the Federal Government's $1.5 billion Housing Support Program.5 Aug 2024

Plan to guide future development of St Leonards ... Published on 05 August 2024


The popular Launceston suburb of St Leonards will benefit from the finalisation of a plan to guide the delivery of 3,500 new homes and community infrastructure over the next 30 years.

The City of Launceston successfully applied for funding from the Federal Government's $1.5 billion Housing Support Program.

Mayor Matthew Garwood said he was excited council was receiving a contribution of $327,000 towards the finalisation of its St Leonards Structure Plan and an Infrastructure Funding Framework.

Council is also investing $200,000 in the project.

"St Leonards is one of the city's fastest growing residential hotspots as we can see from the development applications coming in the door.

"What is really important is we harness this growth for the benefit of the community.

"We want our suburbs to be enriched as they change as well as protecting the features people value," Mayor Garwood said.

"The Structure Plan and Infrastructure Funding Framework will help us plan out development so it is sequenced in a logical way and facilitates the delivery of a quality suburb for existing and new residents.

"This planning will preserve the character of St Leonards and seek to head off the challenges that are created in the absence coordination between developments, like traffic issues, poor connectivity and a lack of amenities as the suburb grows," Mayor Garwood added.

"Launceston needs more homes and this is one area we will be focusing our efforts and investments over the coming decades."

In 2018 Council commenced this journey by undertaking "Planning in the Pub" sessions to gauge the views of the St Leonards community, and the development of the St Leonards Structure Plan and Infrastructure Funding Framework are the exciting next step on the journey.

The feedback gathered during the earlier phases of work will be incorporated as the new phase of planning commences. 

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