Tuesday, August 23, 2022



With the 2022 Local Govt Elections almost upon City of Launceston citizens and ratepayers the city GM/CEO, Michael Stretton, is delivering the kind of opaque, hubris ridden and self-accountable administration that for all world looks like an incarnation 'EX PM Scott Morrison's' conceited, self-import and unconscionable behaviours. 

With his endorsement(decision?) to let a contract for $600K without going to tender when the advised protocol says a tendering process is required for expenditure over $10K. And, it seems this is becoming 'standard practice' that does not, at face value, pass the 'pub test' – let alone any credibility assessment give the apparent lack of 'expert advice'

Given that Council does not employ an architect/designer, is the plan an appropriate design for the circumstance? 

Recent advice is that this scenario is being played out yet again at the QVMAG! Apparently, the GM/CEO is approving the letting of a contract for over $300K without it going to tender.

It seems that the GM/CEO has persuaded the 'people representatives' to hand all meaningful 'authority' to him thus allowing them to virtually abdicate but continue to collect their stipend. The evidence points to 'the elected 12' virtually making determinations in camera every two weeks to formally decide the next week around the table in Open Council.

The question hanging here is why are the 'the elected 12'  stipends paid at all if they have handed, for all practical purposes, abdicated and turn up for a bi-weekly sham cum counterfeit performance.

The justification for voting for the incumbency at Launceston's Town Hall shrinks by every minute one ponders the proposition.


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