Sunday, August 28, 2022




Bereft of an alternative approach, when push came to shove, Launceston's Council empanelled "Homelessness Advisory Committee" when the issue is actually to do with 'housing'. 'Homelessness' may well be to do with the lack of housing but, at face value this cohort of 'advisors' lacks any expert membership who are experiencing 'homelessness' or indeed a brief, or relevant professional experience, to advise on housing options or policy.

Council no longer has an indemnified 'City Architect' to fill that gap since such people have been made redundant. Interestingly, no such person qualifies to be an adviser when it seems that 'the advised' qualify to advise themselves. There we go, if you want the answer you want just ask yourself the questions!

Indeed, it would seem that to qualify to be an 'advisor' one needs to be housed and employed. However, homeless people may well be employed and earning an income – as some are in Launceston. And yes, all but for the grace of GOD many of us might well have been homeless – or possibly so even yet. 

Mother Teresa said that "We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked, and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty". One wonders if this advisory group is likely to make any headway politically, or bureaucratically, in dealing with the poverty of spirit that those in 'housing stress' experience. 

The word is that all this is about the short supply of money but the evidence is that in fact it is all about the paucity of ideas.

When the 'poverty' is to do with the lack of morality in determination processes, the attendant paucity becomes palpable. When that is unacknowledged, the spiral downwards speeds up until the abyss is plumbed. What is most concerning is that this 'committee's agendas and minutes' are 'confidential' and well beyond public scrutiny, criticism and critique.

Equally, and bureaucratically, such committees are designed to go on meeting until there is consensus within them that there is nothing realistic, or affordable, that they can do. Job done! Then comes the wringing of hands and the words of lament, and the calls for someone else to do something.
ACTION: The Launceston's Homelessness Advisory Committee will advocate to services and government. 
As winter sets in and homelessness and housing crisis continue to be an issue in Launceston, City of Launceston continue to work on the establishment of the Homelessness Advisory Committee. .............................. At the next council meeting held on Thursday, June 16, councillors will consider the terms of reference for the Homelessness Advisory Committee. .............................. The establishment of the committee came after a notice of motion for an action plan by councillor Tim Walker on May 5 and a homelessness response workshop, on May 26. .............................. All of this was in response to an emotional plea by people living homeless in a council meeting on April 21, which saw a rapid response from council to issue portable toilets and showers and keep some public toilets open 24/7. .............................. The committee will work with service providers, community members and relevant levels of government to advocate for the needs of Launceston's homeless community. .............................. The membership of this committee will include two councillors, one councillor will chair the committee. .............................. There will be representatives from City Mission, St Vincent's, Anglicare, Tasmania Police, Salvation Army, Shekinah House and Tasmania Department of Communities. .............................. Four community member representatives will be considered by the council and appointed by council. .............................. The criteria for community representatives will consider professional experience and lived experience. .............................. The committee will operate as an advisory body that provides strategic guidance to council. .............................. The Homeless Advisory Committee will work to increase visibility, accountability and collaboration between the various stakeholders, while also opening up opportunities for input and participation from relevant agencies who can support both informed decision making and positive outcomes.

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