Thursday, August 25, 2022


It has been reported that Deputy Mayor Danny Gibson, from the chair, in answer to a question without notice, he asserted that the City of Launceston had a number of qualified "architects" on staff and apparently without hesitation. Also, the GM/CEO did not contradict him, so apparently that should mean that it is indeed the case.

Concerningly, if a constituent calls Town Hall asking to speak to "an architect" they will be asked "what for?" Answer something like, 'to discuss architectural practice at Launceston Council' and nobody can be found. Moreover, you'll be requested to put your question in writing. Protocol says that your answer to a written requestb takes weeks.

Again concerningly, ask which 'architect' can one address a question to and Town Hall reception is unable to:
  • Provide a name for an 'architect' on staff;
  • Provide the tittle of the position the  'architect' holds; and
  • Provide any information in regard to which division/department they work in.
On the face of it, Deputy Mayor Danny Gibson owes Launceston constituents an explanation and most likely an apology. Likewise, GM/CEO Stretton should join the Deputy Mayor in his explanation cum apology.

While apologies are good to get, they don’t really change anything. What does change things is action and accountability and that would be welcomed.

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