Sunday, August 14, 2022


Launceston skateboarders will soon see some changes at the skatepark in Royal Park. 

With a notice of motion put forward by deputy mayor Danny Gibson, and fully supported by all City of Launceston councillors, the council will now look into immediate action to fixing drainage at the skatepark. .................. Council will also investigate upgrade options for the facility and budget costings. .................. Lifelong skateboarder and Launceston resident Christian Rowell spoke for the motion to council. .................. He said skateparks have great benefits to a community, having seen the benefits of quality skateparks in Central Coast Council. .................. "I believe the life being brought in that area now is just amazing and Launceston can really benefit from having something like that," Mr Rowell said. "It brings a lot of opportunity for young people." .................. He also highlighted the accessibility of skateparks, given the lower entry cost to the sport. .................. "Young people can get to skate parks themselves and it's a great community," Mr Rowell said. .................. "The opportunities that can come from a new skatepark really help these young people express themselves who don't enjoy other conventional sports." .................. The motion was enthusiastically welcomed by councillors with Cr Hugh McKenzie and Cr Andrea Dawkins recalling their children using the park. .................. "Activity and things for youth to do are some things of significant importance to the city," Cr McKenzie said. .................. He added the aspirational value of the skatepark, with skating now an Olympic sport. .................. The Launceston Skatepark, which was opened in 1999, needed some attention Cr Gibson said. .................. Cr Gibson said when funding was placed in developments like skateparks, the community benefits. .................. "People tell me that the Launceston Skatepark is a much loved facility but it's past its used by date and requires some immediate and long term infrastructure upgrades to ensure it is everything it can be for our community," he said. .................. Cr Dawkins said the skatepark was a "much loved facility." .................. "Anyone can skate, it's a reasonable thing for anybody to indulge in ... which is physically really good for them but also socially," she said. ... OMG!!

YES, YES, BUT WHY NOW??  ALSO, when will Deputy Danny deal with the abandoned RECONCILIATION MEETING PLACE in Royal Park that he and the GM/CEO said that they told Aunty Lola Greeno they would sort out months ago? Do they – THE COUNCIL – intend to do anything or just to keep on, and on, talking about it until it goes away?

And then there are THE HOMELESS PEOPLE ............

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