Monday, August 15, 2022



Personality traits put well to one side
, what can be seen growing in the 'political petri dish' at Launceston's Town Hall is a model of 'Representative Democratic Dysfunctionalism' (RDD). Representational democracy – AKA indirect democracy (ID) – is assumed to be 'the requirement' in the 'Colonised Eurocentric World View'  and the cornerstone of the Westminster system. Well, it turns out that what has evolved is a sort of 
deeply flawed  quasie-colonial  Launceston model and that is something else, something that is arguably anarchic, autocratic and something much less than democratic.

In Launcestonian ID what can be seen festering away 'in the dish' is an 'arc of autocracy' masquerading as 'functional' RDDindeed its 'functionalism' has been endorsed by the Director of Local Govt. Mr M Healey. So, the evidence seems to point to State Govt. endorsement for the 'Status Quo' irrespective of what, triffid-like, governance has subliminally evolved into – and is evolving unconstrained still.

At Launceston's Town Hall all the symptoms of 'informal representational abdication' seem to be present – and it is increasingly evident. So much so as management's distain for the IDmodel is all too evident. Indeed, anything representing the IDmodel has evolved into a charade played out around the 'decision table'. On one hand, there are the so called 'representatives' playing their part and receiving a stipend for their 'side-gig' and on the other there is the 'unrepresentative managerials' milking the system for all its worth apparently.

Most recently, these 'unrepresentative managerials' milked the budget of $600K for exclusive executive showing facilities with hardly a whimper from the 'representatives' . In fact one, apparent Mayoral aspirant Cr. Harris, was a keen supporter and he apparently aspires to being able to take a shower – and no doubt looking forward to twiddling the gold plated taps. Such are the prospects of 'office'. And, the retiring Mayor defended the whole deal unreservedly! SEE Image below Indeed, this little bit of hubris should tell everyone who cares to look a great deal.

And, then there are the 'great unwashed and homeless' with whom showers cannot be shared. The fact that for 10% of the the $600K un-tendered budget 10 of-the-shelf-shower-facilities could be delivered to the city is of no interest to Cr. Spencer, the 'tradies friend', because it seems he thinks that one of his 'tradie friends' could do the work for less. However, the Mayor and GM/CEO et al have other ideas – none of which require a moral compass for guidance.

What appears to be evolving here is something a lot less than 'Indirect Representational Democracy' ID plus the need for fundamental change. Clearly, if this diabolical triffid like political entity escapes the petri-dish community aspirations, as likely as not, will be gathered up and consigned all the way to hell in a hand basket

IF ID is valued someone needs to do something NOW – not later.

Alternatively, a 21st C machination of 'Direct Deliberative Democracy' model (DDD) might be profitably explored. The 'exploration' might well offer an alternative to the much touted calls for 'amalgamation'typically to be seen as ill informed piece meal calls for change looking for patches and band-aids to fix this or that 'problem'.

Whatever, General Managers are now empowered beyond the 'will of the people' by the LG Act 1993 and their self perception of their somewhat distorted perception of their skills, qualifications, capacity and indeed, 'authority'. DDD would surely curd the 'political excess' but Local Govt. is blighted by pragmatic idealists looking for an income, a side-gig, to as they say "put fruit on the sideboard".

Poignantly, the goings on in Canberra right now can be seen as an indicator of what 'those in power' imagine their capacities to be and how big an empire they can delude themselves can be built if accountability and transparency can just be curbed!

In the short term, Launcestonians can simply refrain from VOTING FOR AN INCUMBENT at the upcoming LG Elections. After that they'll need to do whatever they can to call-out the city's recalcitrant  'Governance Model' and insist upon real change, meaningful change, and 21st C relevant change!


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