Monday, August 22, 2022


CLICK HERE To discover more about the Director of Local Govt.

IF concerned citizens are under any delusions about the capacity of the OFFICE OF LOCAL GOVT to sit on its hands while Representational Democracy goes to hell in a hand basket in Tasmania, this correspondence should clear your doubts up once and for all.

First up, the lack of diligence on display here is palpable but saying so will get you nowhere. Why? Well the State Govt is clearly disinclined to ensure that Local Govt constituents are well served by the Local Govt Act 1993albeit that the Act is redundant, broken and well past its USEbyDATE

That it might take so very long to respond to na serious concern is more than troubling and non-trivial. Indeed, anyone who has spent any time as a bureaucratic functionary will see the the bureaucratic obfuscation plainly on display – in the letter itself and in its timing!

This 'office' will it seems will do whatever it takes to maintain the status quo and it will demonstrate its disinclination to look after the interests of Council bureaucrats without encouragement.

However, IF you are asking this office for anything like 'natural justice' you'll see yourself consigned to the Integrity Commission and/or The Ombudsman where there is a "lack of resources" to deal with your issue. Yet more Bureaucratic Obfuscation 101 on display. Writ large in all this is 

gossamer thin status quoism!

If you entertain the notion that meaningful local governance is achievable it seems that in Tasmania that it is not on the agenda really and letters like this may well provide the evidence.

It is said that 'accountability' breeds response―ability! Someone needs to lead the way! Just keep on asking for it and maybe one day ...........

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