Friday, August 12, 2022



Well perhaps Mayor van Zetten can see the writing on the wall and has seen that he has long past his USEbyDATE but arguably he has left a legacy of 'civic disconnection' demonstrable by his missives to ratepayers ... EG. Dear XXX [Ratepayer], Thank you for your email. .......................... I want to stress that the Council has at all times been transparent with the community in outlining its rationale and financing for the provision of the facilities. .......................... The proposal was broached in the Council's 2022/23 annual budget papers, which was advertised for public scrutiny and submissions last year. .......................... The provision of basic facilities such as showers, accessible toilets and change rooms is now very common in contemporary workplaces, including many buildings across Launceston. .......................... The original scope of the project was broadened to include a new waste management facility that will facilitate the Council's waste management practices for things such as cardboard, plastics, paper and food and organic waste. .......................... This component of the project will have an economic and environmental benefit by relocating all waste to one central collection point, allowing for easily accessible weekly removal with reduced operational costs, a reduced carbon footprint as well as environmental emissions. .......................... The Town Hall was built in 1867 and it does require regular capital expenditure just to maintain it as a contemporary, fit-for purpose workplace for more than 300 Council staff and therefore, this project is seen as an absolute necessity. .......................... Thank you again for your interest. .......................... Regards, ...  Albert van Zetten Mayor, City of Launceston T 03 6323 3101 I

Demonstrably, the Mayor and the Councillors he leads for weeks yet not only find 'dot joining' too difficult by far, but clearly they are unable to even see them in order that they might join them. Demonstrably, the whole bunch are ill equipped for 'governance'. 

NOT ONE deserves a vote at the upcoming elections, NOT ONE – demonstrably so going by this particular shonky self-serving determination.

As for the GM/CEO, well ratepayers have no chance of curtailing his aspirations and it appears that the ratepayers' representatives are in fact operating in his favour rather than the ratepayers' aspirations. Could it be that he supports them in ensuring that their stipends keep on being paid when they otherwise might not be? Could it be that it suits the 'elected 12' for him to build his self-accountable BUREAUCRATIC EMPIRE? 

Could it be that the Councillors' incumbency is just a SIDE GIG for the most part? Also, could it be that there are 'fringe benefits' that the Councillors' incumbencies deliver?

All this is a plausible proposition given that they, the Councillors, unanimously granted a new four year contract to the GM/CEO. Effectively, the GM/CEO overrides Councillors at any time it suits and it seems that he works to keep the Councillors 'on side' and what that might involve is anybody's guess.

So, if you are looking for 'representative accountable and transparent' local governance DO NO VOTE FOR AN INCUMBENT – clearly, they are not there to represent you.


ANOTHER LETTER ... SPEND OUR RATES TO HELP ALL .................... WE have rates going up, water rates going up and people living in tents within a short distance of the council chambers and what is our council doing? .................... It is installing showers for its employees who have decided to cycle to work so that they can have a shower once they arrive. How dare it use our rate money for a select few who have chosen that method of arriving at work. The money could be better spent trying to accommodate those who have nothing rather than those who have a well-paid job and the money to spend on expensive bikes. .................... It seems Launceston is one of the worst cities in Australia to ride a bike and, living at Trevallyn, I can guarantee that. Spend our money wisely please to help everyone, not the privileged few..................... Glennis Sleurink, Launceston.

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