Tuesday, September 27, 2022



City of Launceston council's Homeless Advisory Committee meets for the first time.  Alison Foletta By Alison Foletta September 26 2022 - 4:00am

Launceston council continue efforts for homeless crisis  ????

City of Launceston's Homeless Advisory Committee met for the first time on September 1. The group was devised after an emotional meeting in April saw dozens of people living homeless in the city plea for support from council.

In response, council were able to set up portable toilets around the city as well as keep some toilet blocks open 24 hours. [Where are they and when were they installed?]

Another response was the formation of the committee which would take over from the previous Homelessness Response Committee and would bring together community and service provider representatives. [What did the Homelessness Response Committee do? Anything?]

Councillors Andrea Dawkins and Krista Preece were elected to be the council representatives on the committee. Council's response was not without criticism. Earlier in the meeting during public questions, two members of the public raised concerns about council's efforts. [And rightly so!]

Strike It Out founder Kirsten Ritchie asked about the use of halls in Launceston and green spaces that were secure for people to set up tents. Community and place general manager Dan Ryan answered her questions. He firstly said there were no available halls in Launceston. [Is that actually the case or is it a 'deemed decision'?]

"While a thorough review [?] of potential locations for such sites have been undertaken with the above criteria in mind, the suggested approach is actually not one that is generally supported by others working within our homeless advisory committee and engaged in that sector," Mr Ryan said. [OH DEAR we cannot make these people seem to be inadequate and missing opportunities as that might just be the case]

Ms Ritchie also asked "Whose responsibility is it to ensure the wellbeing of our community members are met with having provisions of basic amenities provided while sleeping rough available 24/7?" [Pertinent question!]

Mr Ryan said it was a "complex issue first and foremost". [OH MY GOODNESS ... after all the time that this matter has been on Council's agenda its complexity has not been able to be articulated and accountabilities identified, well there is a story there!]

"Responsibility for the provision of public housing and mental services rests with the state government, the City of Launceston does acknowledge it also has a role to play in the facilitation with positive outcomes for the community ," he said.[Inside-the-box thinking in isolation from the real world]

In late April when the amenities were announced, City of Launceston mayor Albert van Zetten said council had commenced an audit of council-owned infrastructure to identify potential spaces for service providers to utilise in the provision of support initiatives.[With what options in mind and in reference to who in regard to expertise?]

At the time, council had also planned to roll out shower facilities for people living homeless.

Andrew Cassidy also from Strike It Out brought up the question of the showers. He asked council "how far away are the showers to be utilised and where they would be situated?"[SO, actually there are no showers just the possibility of some!]

Mr Ryan said council had investigated "many options" for suitable shower facilities but were unable to progress. He said council had partnered with service facilities to open showers at the former YMCA building in Kings Meadows, and extended opening hours for the showers at the Gorge.[Quite inadequate and inappropriate]

"There are also existing shower facilities available at Morton's place and Shop for Hope in the CBD," Mr Ryan said. [So, why aren't people using them?]

The Royal Park toilet block will also be redeveloped to include showers. The development is expected to kick off in the new year. [Yet another gunnado promise]

Council have frequently called the issue of homelessness a complex issue and that as a council they would work as advocates. [YEP, deemed not to be a COUNCIL responsibility along with many other things]

"The City of Launceston is committed to playing a constructive role [??] in the provision of short, medium and long-term solutions for the homeless community, in collaboration with other tiers of government and key stakeholders," Cr van Zetten said in April. [YEP, that was April but not ac lot of progress and excuses a plenty!!]

Recently, Cr van Zetten said due to well publicised supply issues and the level of infrastructure required for fit-for-purpose facilities such as these, council have unfortunately not been able to progress these plans for shower units as quickly as hoped. [YET more gunna do talk]

"We will continue to work with the recently established Homelessness Advisory Committee and other stakeholders to identify the best solutions for those sleeping rough in Launceston," he said.[ A cynical ruse to appear as if Council is doing something WHEN the real issue is HOUSING and the committee destined to report Council lacked the resources etc. etc.]

Councillor Andrea Dawkins said during the first meeting, the committee identified shared goals and "looked at what we can do in the short, medium and long term". [GOLD PLATTED KLAP TRAP and empty rhetoric]

"What was decided is that we would meet more regularly while we could because we want to keep the momentum going with this group," she said. [MORE OF THE ABOVE!]

Cr Dawkins said people with lived experience were "exceptional", and had people "hanging on every word." [ How much more of this hollow rhetoric is there to be dealt out in a crisis?]

POSTSCRIPT: It needs to be remembered that for ALL City of Launceston SUB committees:
  •  They are required to meet in camera;
  •  Their agendas are confidential;
  •  Their deliberations are confidential;
  •  They essentially only report to Councillors in confidence; and
  •  Members are required to maintain confidentiality in regard to their proceedings.
Also, they are essentially 'community advisory groups' set up to advise Council on community perceptions, yet 'the community' cannot be trusted to know how they, and their values, have been presented to Council.

Given SECTION 62/2 under the Act a General Manager can deem 'community advice' irrelevant if she/he is in conflict with it. Consequently community advice may never get to be deliberated upon in OPEN COUNCIL.

Against this background it is little wonder that Council SUBcommittees are thought of as 'gunnado talkfests'.

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