Sunday, September 25, 2022


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To listen to this blighted incumbency GO TO and you'll hear the strut their stuff while trying to rescue a modicum of their presumed reputation. It is more than edifying and the apparent lack of awareness in regard to their lack of credibility and social licence is palpable. 

were not present presumably to insulate themselves from the dastardly.
 act that was about to be performed.

The transcript of this City of Launceston Council meeting is likely to go down in history as an exemplar of intransigent status quoism at the last gasp of an incumbency well past its use-by-date. The notion that as 'elected representatives' they, the Councillors & officers, are smarter, best informed 'in town' and 'trusted' to predict things would be laughable if it were not for the evidence that it is so.

Cr. Dawkins, for example, bleating that the architectural design wasn't to her taste, but voting YES, almost takes the biscuit for irrelevance in this context. Here we go let's walk both sides of the street.The 'design matters' at hand are much more complex and the city's planners have clearly missed the 'design point' once again. 

Actually, what is needed, and was needed, is meaningful community consultation BUT it turns out that Town Hall is quite, quite allergic to the transparency and accountability that comes with it. With 33 candidates eyeing off their chances the incumbents should be feeling the cool draft of irrelevance around their ankles. 

Some of the Councillors have abdicated already for whatever reason and the ball is now well and truly in the electorate's court. Those depending upon their stipend might be well advised to look elsewhere for another side-gig! Of course the incumbent 'officers' are somewhat secure in their incumbency and that'll be a matter for another day.

In the 21st C It is incumbent on us to facilitate the development of 'places' that best assures that change benefits the diversity of the cultural realities within them

"As leaders, it is incumbent on all of us to make sure we are building a world in which every individual has an opportunity to thrive. Understanding what Artificial Intelligence can do and how it fits into your strategy is the beginning, not the end, of that process."

Andrew Ng

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