Sunday, September 18, 2022


In recent weeks, in fact years, Launceston’s elected representatives have behaved appallingly, and it is evidenced mostly by the hubris on display around the table at Town Hall. Councillors’ blatant disregard for their constituency has reached the point where the community must act if they are to bring about change. 

One Councillor reports that the incumbent Councillors are comfortable with their performance and hold a consensus view that says that if they wish to stand ‘on their record’ they will be re-elected – wish being the mother of the thought. 

Well yes, some have thought better of standing again and risking their accountability but most are either running for mayor or deputy mayor to boost their chances of ongoing incumbency. However, watch what they do in the dying thoes of this Council to see what incumbency and accountability actually means to this cohort of candidates.

The Mayor is standing down to spend more time with his family and his incumbency largely propped up those seeking to continues to do what they have done. Launcestonians know what these 'incumbents' have and have not done!

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