Wednesday, December 27, 2023


These images speak loudly about cultural imagination, storytelling and festivals.

HERE in Launceston despite there being stories to tell they do not get to be told and OMG we buy in our festivals not do them, not participate in them and those who turn up, buy ticketS in what they as ratepayers subsidise.

YEP, MONAFOMA is a more than OKgig but is just not OURS, or OURstories told by US.

HOWEVER try and get the Council to fund a home grown ANYTHING and it'll cost you a small fortune to put in your application.

FESTIVAL IDEA: PISStake the SANCTIMONIOUS. and especially the SANCTIMONIOUSbureaucrats and/or POLITICIANhubris as there are some rich pickings there!

Consider a parade of PINKtrousered KULCHAvulchaz with a HUBRISstatusquoist, with a couple of TWAZANTmeus and a MONEYwaistuz (PLURAL) running up the rear ... the list goes on and on.

The stress release would be healing and it might even be cathartic!

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