Monday, December 18, 2023

PUBLIC TRANSPORT ... Tasmania's unfunny joke

Launceston City will be among 94 proposed bus stop upgrades across the state. [Why stop at 94 let us go for a neat 100 unwarranted bus stops]

The Rockliff Liberal Government says it is investing in public transport initiatives to encourage more commuters to leave their car at home and reduce traffic congestion. [Sorry on what buses are they to commute upon?]

The government says it will spend $10 million to upgrade all-access, all-weather bus stops at priority locations right around Tasmania.
[Sorry what buses are they talking about here?]

The proposed bus stop upgrades have been funded across local government areas Derwent Valley, Launceston City, West Tamar, Latrobe, Kentish, Burnie, Northern Midlands, Brighton and Devonport City.
[Sorry is this one of those occasions where if something is repeated often enough it become the truth by perpetual repetition?]

In a statement the the state government said it recognises that comfort and ease of access play an important role in encouraging commuters to travel by public transport.
[Sorry, what buses are these more comfortable commuters going to catch?]

"This funding is delivering a significant improvement to bus stops across the state -which number around 3,500 - delivering better access and shelters to protect commuters from rain," the statement said.
[Sorry, what buses are these shelters servicing again?]

"A methodology was established to prioritise funding and we are working collaboratively with councils and bus operators to deliver the best value from our investment.
[Please, this is starting to get tedious]

"Given the success of the program, we are already planning for Round 3 of applications which will open in mid-2024 and I encourage councils to avail themselves of the millions of dollars on offer for this valuable opportunity for their communities.
[Yes, if councils build infrastructure for a non service they burden ratepayers with ever increasing maintenance bills. Has anyone considered this?]

"This program is just one of the many election commitments that we are progressing to modernise and incentivise our public transport offering - alongside more park and ride facilities, more services on busy routes, and the integrated ticketing solution." [Yes, but lets just start with some buses servicing commuters and then they will be able to welcome this election promise later!]

COMMENT: As much as we all might want to believe this stuff, we have met enough empty promises to know one when we it is fed to us and especially when the credibility gap is yet another BIGyawn. 

BUT HEY one wonders if these BUSstops could be put into service as shelters for all those very real people suffering from the LOSS of a HOME on this government's watch? 

Just wondering as $10Million would buy a few! 

Season's Greetings Voters!!

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