Friday, December 15, 2023

Michael Ferguson's Christmas Front Page Political Stunt


[kanamaluka]Tamar River boat dumpers have been hit with a stern warning - you're on notice. ["DUMPERS" possibly this is the appropriate word but on what evidence does the Member for Bass and Treasurer invoke it? Has he the evidence apart from the circumstantial evidence? If so, where is it?]

Shipwrecks have littered the
{kanamaluka]Tamar for decades, including a collection of vessels in the stretch between Home Point and Tailrace. [IF this is a case of 'littering' surely there is legislation that enables Govt to charge the litterers!]

The sunken wrecks of Ponrabbel II, Cape Bruny and Cape Forestier sit submerged in the water, while the Harry O'May has become infested with seagulls.
[Sea gulls do not 'infest' the environment, they occupy places as opportunities present themselves. The sea gulls are not the issue, it is whoever creates the opportunity for unwanted occupation. Let's get real!]

On the other side of the river, a sunken yacht has been left to rot for more than seven years.
[IF this is the case and it is presenting a hazard surely legislation exists to deal with it. That being the case, why hasn't the now offended Member for Bass acted before now]

But after decades being hamstrung by the Marine and Safety Authority Act 1997, including a 2012 court case that found in favour of Ponrabbel II's then-owner, authorities could soon have the power to clean up the river. [IF Michael Ferguson has represented Bass since 2010 and this failure of process has been evident for as long he has represented Bass then why now is offended Member for Bass saying that he will now if he thinks his constituents are unimpressed with his performance?]

Transport Minister Michael Ferguson said new laws to better manage the financial and environmental risks posed by derelict ships could be in place as soon as 2024. [Here Michael Ferguson representing Bass asserts that NEW LAWS are required, why wait to now to be offended as the Member for Bass, Minister fot Transport and Treasurer, to saying that he will now act for his constituents who are unimpressed with his performance?

Derelict vessels sit along Kings Wharf in the Tamar River. Video by Craig George
"I think we've all had a gutful of derelict vessels being left to the community to deal with instead of their rightful owners," Mr Ferguson said. [Well Michael Ferguson all well and good but do you know who the 'owners' are and their circumstances in order that your proposed laws will be effective rather than providing you with a non-functional big stick to attempt to beat them into submission with?]

"The former government brought in laws to force owners to take responsibility for derelict vessels, but those laws apparently haven't worked. [WELL Michael Ferguson if that is so why is it is so?]

"When we took one owner to court, the owner won the case and didn't have to remove their vessel. That vessel is now underwater. [WELL Michael Ferguson if that is so, can you please tell your constituents why it is so?]

"Frankly, we've had enough of a terrible situation and we will step in. I am awaiting advice on making changes to the law to ensure owners take their responsibilities seriously." [WELL Michael Ferguson why has this taken you so long IF you believe that the situation is "terrible" and are we likely to be here this time next year with yet another ill informed gesture to alert voters to your existence and good intentions? ... That is if the current Govt. along with this Member for Bass survives the year.]

NB: Someone somewhere said that the measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year and one has to wonder if they lived somewhere along the kanamalukaTamar River. AND might there be another more positive and more productive way forward other than these punitive, political BULLYboy TACTICS. IF SO who is looking? As Thomas Edison has told us we do not fail to acieve things we simply discover thousands of ways that something just does not work! And Einstien offered the observation that if we are not making mistakes we are really trying to do anything that is new or innovative. The status quo seves us poorly!

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