Sunday, July 16, 2023



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IN the Launceston's recent history this 'place' is bound to go down as one of the city's most contested sites. AND the saga seems to be going on for some time yet. There is the amenity of a CULTURALlanscape that is stake and there is already collateral damage to a HOMEplace and a business. 

On the evidence 'the planning process' has paid little to no attention to what loss amenity is being put at risk or to who will bear the cost. 

The City of Launceston approved a Development Application for a $50m, 145-room hotel on Paterson Street's TRC site

The 'Gorge Hotel' proposed by the JAC Group would include a restaurant, bar, conference facilities, and retail space, and would be developed over two stages. 

Reportedly, the JAC Group plans to on sell the development opportunity which adds another layer of contention to this development.

Launceston's them Mayor Albert van Zetten said the project would be a 'fantastic' asset for Launceston but he didn't articulate by what criteria he measured fantastic – fantastic for who, when and why is still being contested

Local governance 'business' is almost exclusively to do with 'placemaking' and right here, there is an exemplar of that and those who have thus far experienced collateral damage in the process continue to hurt.

"A $50m investment in our city boasting both high quality hotel accommodation and conference facilities is something we know there is increasing demand for," Mayor van Zetten said. 

 "It's an exciting project, will be great for visitors to Launceston, and is going to take advantage of a location that has arguably been underutilised in the past, with fantastic views of the estuary.

 "The design of the building itself is unique, and will offer five star accommodation options in Launceston within walking distance to the Cataract Gorge.

 "It will play an important role in Launceston's growing tourism industry going forward, and I'm thrilled the JAC Group has decided to invest right here in Launceston.

Mayor van Zetten said the project had rightly been the subject of community debate, with different views on the project heard in recent weeks. 

 "This development application has generated much discussion and debate in the community, and Councillors have genuinely and openly listened to those different points of view," he said.

 "While many different matters have been raised with the Council over this development application — and while we know some people may be disappointed with the decisionwhen sitting as a planning authority the Council is required to solely consider the planning merits of the proposal." And, they were?

 "We hope this project will be an asset to our city, will create new jobs and economic activity, and we look forward to construction starting."

It is an old, old story and Socrates recognised it long ago and said He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.” It just seems that it turns out that really successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others while the unsuccessful ones are alway asking themselves... what's in it for me?


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