Tuesday, July 4, 2023



The end of the mythical quarter-acre block April 9, 2005 
WARNING THIS IS VERY, VERY OLD NEWS ... Australians want to live on quarter-acre blocks, and like to drive their cars, Michael Costa, the Roads Minister, said recently. And he berated the assembled urban planners for being fixated on public transport. ............................. When politicians talk up Australians' devotion to the quarter-acre, beware. It is usually a way to deflect blame for urban problems such as air pollution and traffic congestion onto us. It is their excuse to do nothing. If only Australians weren't wedded to the quarter-acre, they imply, politicians could curb suburban sprawl, build rail lines, and reduce air pollution. But darn it, the people rule. ............................. It is this archaic view of what Australians want that is ruining our cities. It provides the justification to build another freeway, scrap plans for train lines, and mock proposals for light rail ... CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

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