Wednesday, July 31, 2024



The homeless industry

SADLY, what homeless people are experiencing has turned into an industry. A charitable industry maybe, nonetheless, it thrives on our collective political and social failures.
Governments rely on charities being there to deliver relief to the victims of their investment-driven economic strategies.

Ever-rising property prices depend upon the lack of supply, and people's inability to get into the housing market fuels this. Yes, that is right. Too many find themselves on the streets sleeping rough.

Statistics tell us who is wealthy, by how much, and by what taxes they are avoiding. Moreover, the gap between the haves and have-nots seems to grow exponentially.
Homeless people's dependence on crumbs from the tables of the well-off is troubling.
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Where the rubber hits the road locally, gap closing is not an idea the self-nominated representatives are inclined to broker. You see, they all have investments to protect, as do those who ask them to 'represent' them.
It is well past time for a reality check

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