Tuesday, June 11, 2024


A document that will influence how those sleeping rough in Launceston are treated by the council is due to be formally ratified. [ SO, what is this document's utility?]

The Homelessness Statement of Commitment, yet to be formally endorsed, outlines in broad terms how the council plans to deal with the ever-present issue of homelessness. . [ SO AGAIN, what is this document's utility?]

The draft statement - criticised by Homelessness Advisory Committee chairman Tim Walker as lacking teeth - was put out for public consultation in March. . [ SO, who was engaged with in this process]

The final document is back before the City of Launceston council. . [ SO AGAIN, what is this document's utility?]

Barring some minor tweaks, such as substituting acting chief executive officer Shane Eberhardt's name in for Michael Stretton's in the preamble, the document is substantially the same as the draft endorsed in February. [AGAIN, what is this document's utility and what has changed for those dealing with housing stress since Februrary?]

This divides the potential actions that can be taken into seven guiding principles, which are:

Changing the narrative [From what to what?]
Engaging the community [How?]
Facilitating cohesive services [How?]
Striving towards prevention [How?]
Data informed decision making [Who is collecting the data and who are the decision makers?]
Advocating [What as opposed to what?]
Transparency and accountability [How will that be delivered?]
Start the conversation [The conversation with whom and how?]
Have your say. [How can citizens have a say when their comments are mitigated by management and the elected representatives are overruled?]
Leave a comment below and let us know what you think. [????]
Be the first to comment [????]
Many of these are open-ended, like "building trust and rapport" with the community and seeking "to have a seat at the table in best practice of preventive measures for homelessness". [SORRY this is hollow rhetoric?]

However, others are much more clearly delineated. [How?]

These include developing a multi-year budget for homelessness programs and services, publishing periodic reports and action plans, and developing a system to track the progress and effectiveness of council programs. [WOW ... What about a HOUSING POLICY in place of status quo rhetoric?]

In a statement at the start of the document, mayor Matthew Garwood said the guiding principals would allow the council to "act strategically ... with a person-centred, dignity-first focus". [Is this va case of truth by assertion when considered against the contorary evidence?]

"While this is our first step in this area, it is an important one," Cr Garwood said. [WOW ... Look ahead for more status quo rhetoric?]

"As we move forward, it's vital for the council and community to show empathy and understanding as we continue to work collaboratively together." [WOW ... What about a Citizens Jury/Assembly to enable the cooperative and collaborative community effort?]

In agenda papers for the council meeting on June 13, when the statement is set to be endorsed, council officers said the budget for the 2024-25 financial year includes $190,000 for homelessness-related activities. [WOW ... Compare this sum with Executive Salaries. WHAT KPI will be put in place to ensure that these ratepayer funds are being used appropriaitely ?]

This is split between $140,000 in operational costs, like maintenance of portable toilets for homeless residents to use, and $50,000 for the "adoption of action items in the statement of commitment". [WOW ... More status quo rhetoric?]


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