Tuesday, April 2, 2024

More Launceston town delusionary thinking

FROM THE EXAMINER ….Continuity is a major part of the council's plans for the next financial year according to documents soon to be released for community consultation.

The Annual Plan 2024-25 lays out in broad terms what projects and initiatives the City of Launceston council expects to complete between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025. [That is a matter of great expectations without transparency and accountability given that Council ‘s Executive Management’s finger prints are all over this statement] 

Launceston mayor Matthew Garwood has committed to the 
Tasmanian Devils AFL team 
with a tattoo of the new logo. 
Video by Aaron Smith 

The Annual Plan 2023-24 listed 41 projects - 39 of which were in varying states of completion as of December 31, 2023. [That’s right, here we have the evidence that there has been a great deal of non-performance and the lack of Key Performance Indicators in the OLDplan that has been tolerated by time-serving status quo representatives who it seems are oblivious to their constituency's needs and aspirations]

Several of these have been bundled into the draft plan for 2024-25, which lists 49 projects. [That’s the status quo with tweaks and a trust inn the ALMIGHTY that it’ll all work out IF we hang in there etc. etc.!!] 

Some the projects carried over are largely unchanged from the earlier document, however others have been updated to reflect progress[??] throughout the year. [SO it is said!] 

These include the city's work on homelessness, where previously the council planned to "develop and implement the Homelessness Action Plan". [That’s right they’ve planned to have a plan after years of talking about having a plan] 

In 2024-25, however, the council plans for "continued implementation of" the Homelessness Statement of Commitment adopted early 2024. [That’s telling those coming to Town Hall looking for assistance they get an advice sheet telling people to go to a charity … THIS IS ADVICE OFFERED TO COUNCIL BY THE COMMITTEE POPULATED BY CHARITY PEOPLE … NO BUILDERS, NO ARCHITECTS!!! …and a COUPLE of Coubcillors and Officers to ensure that status quoism is protected along with maintaing current workloads.] 

Others were previously listed on the annual plan as part of other items but have since been sectioned off into their own items, like the Aboriginal Partnership Plan. [That again is a PLAN to tell those it effects this is how it is we’ve ticked the box!! Now let's just move on to ...... ] 

Start the conversation Have your say[??]. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think. Be the first to comment Newly listed projects in the annual plan include advocacy strategies for seeking state and federal funding and changing public transport delivery to allow easier access for residents. [This again is a plan to do a lot of talking until the point is reached where it can be said any solution imagined is too hard!!] 

The city's entrances are slated for a makeover with the help of the state government, and the council will also develop new policies including a community health and wellbeing strategy, and child and youth safety policies. [That’s enter a DARKroom and devise something without engaging MEANINGFULLY with the constituency always ensuring that the status quo is not disrupted.] 

The future of council-owned land at Russells Plains Road will be decided, as the council will reconsider whether the land is needed for landfill, and then develop a future strategy for its use. [That’s devising a strategy in isolation and without engaging with the LAND’S REAL OWNERS [AKA ratepayers] to develop a strategy that meets 21st C needs and expectations.... Launceston needs to be moving away from WASTEmanagement and to be proactively engaged in RESOURCErecovery] 

Other land use strategies are set to be developed, as the council looks to release more residential land and prevent looming shortages, and develop a long-term strategy for managing local cemeteries. [That’s developing strategies WITHOUT engaging with community EXPERTS who have money and opportunity invested in assets … CITIZENS & RATEPAYERS ... Always with this or that developer's profit driven aspirations] 

Flood resilience also features in the draft annual plan, with the council planning to install river level and rainfall sensors and develop a flood recovery framework. [That’s AGAIN implanting a plan without engaging with the people the PLAN will supposedly impact upon!! ... Door knocking to ask people how many times they are prepared to tolerate being flooded is not a way forward]

Wage negotiations and a council-wide AI usage policy are also on the cards, however these are internal projects rather than public-facing [??]. Work on things like a clean air strategy, the City Heart Project, a residential growth strategy for St Leonards and a revitalisation of the city's night time economy is due to continue, having featured in the 2023-24 plan. [That’s AGAIN implanting a plan without engaging with the people the PLAN will supposedly impact upon!! A CLAYONSprocess devised well away from those who it EFFECTS!] 

The draft Annual Plan 2024-25 and budget papers are expected to be released for wider public consultation after the council meeting on April. [That is AGAIN a question of selling the status quo as if it was VIABLE!! ... NB The avoidance of any mention of dealing with possible impending litigation relevant to COUNCILowned Birtchalls Building and the already realised losses of income and opportunity ... A LOSS IS A LOSS IS A LOSS and there is no way to hide it ... AND the ratepayers always cop it NEVER the perpetrators ... FORENSICaccounting OR MARKETING are not anything that can change THE FACTS or put a shine on BOVINdust!!!!]

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