Monday, October 16, 2023



In response to questions sent by email the following answers have been provided City op Launceston Council's management:

  1. Can you please explain why I’m finding it impossible to download an ‘EoI Form’ from the Council site as indicated in Saturday’s Examiner advertisement?


I am unable to explain why you are unable to open the documents, although the reason may relate to your software settings or hardware. I have checked our website this morning and the documents download fine.


  1. Must an EoI be submitted Council on a Council Form and if so, why so?


Yes. The reason is to ensure that base line information is received.


  1. Is it actually the case that ‘anyone from anywhere’ can lodge an EoI in regard to 56 Frederick St. Launceston?




  1. Are there any assessment criteria that anyone, say such as myself, who is intending to lodge an EoI might need to know about?


Please refer to clause 1.6 of the EOI documentation for what will be considered in the review of the submissions. 


  1. Can you please explain the EoI Assessment Process?


All submissions received by 2 pm on 3 November 2023 will be considered by an evaluation panel, then by               Council.


  1. Can you please tell who be carrying out the assessment of EoI, when and where?


No. The assessment panel is yet to be convened. 


  1. Can you please tell me when an outcome of the EoI process will be announced to the public along with those lodging an EoI?


Details will be released following consideration by Council. 


  1. Can you please explain why there wasn’t anybody willing to take my call on Friday morning when I called to put these questions?


Your interactions with the Council are regulated by your Communications Protocol.


  1. Since you indicate that I must put my questions in writing, when can I reasonably expect answers to my questions? 


Please accept this email as satisfying this question.

Be assured, not making a decision is in fact a decision. Actually, it is a decision to maintain the status quo – the enemy of progress.  Anyway, you will never know anything unless you test it. So give it a go just so that you know. If you are inclined to act, go see something happen now. You can break your big plan into small steps but take your first step right away, right now.

 In Les Misérables, Victor Hugo said, “The straight line, a respectable optical illusion which ruins many a man.” 
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