Monday, November 7, 2022


MEDIA RELEASE Monday 7th November 2022

What funding amount is allocated for emergency accommodation here in Tasmania? 

Why has State and Local Government not planned for the increase of people becoming homeless and increasing availability of infrastructure to meet the basic human rights of the people? 

The original nurses accommodation block situated behind the Charles Hotel in Launceston, owned by the Department of Health. It would be in the public interest to redevelop this site for the homeless rather than sometime in the future be sold to a private developer. 

An investment of tax payers money for the future health and well-being of our less fortunate community members is now critical. 

The City of Launceston has indicated that here no availability of green spaces, halls or buildings in the Launceston municipality to set up a safe space for people who have no choice but to sleep rough. 

Why is it that antisocial behaviour is on the increase and one’s allowed to continue to assault, abuse, destruct, burn tents, steal from our most vulnerable making it unsafe to be homeless. This results in our most vulnerable being open to continual fear, stress and unable to sleep of a night - antisocial behaviour is coming from people who are not homeless. 

The question must be asked as to who is responsible for meeting the basic human rights of our community members and it is disappointing when our elected members remain silent. 

Why when I state to the Media, I am told that “I am pissing people off and no one will work with me”. This comes from the mouth of someone who is paid by the rate payers and meant to be working with the best interests of the community? 

The broken record continues and I only want to advocate for a positive successful future ensuring that we can work together, plan and meet the basic human rights for all the community members here in Tasmania.

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