Monday, October 3, 2022


Launceston Council constituents 

now have a choice to make. 



Please ask your incumbent Councillors what they have achieved for the city and what they stood for up for. Then do a credibility check, look around you streets etc. and vote accordingly.

With 33 candidates, there is a message in this for the incumbency 
that VOTERS should think about looking ahead.

There is much more to be said about 'delegated authorities' at Town Hall!

Voting is compulsory for all enrolled voters, making it more important than ever to be familiar with the candidates. The election will be done completely via postal ballots which are being sent out from Monday, October 3. They are due back by Tuesday, October 25, when the polls close.
ADRIAN BARRETT ... Councillor candidate
Mr Barrett, who has a background in music events, has a focus on parks for the suburbs, supporting for local businesses, clearer accountability for grant funding and also looking at Launceston's suburbs.
THANE BRADY ... Deputy mayor and councillor candidate
Mr Brady has a focus on the shortage of sports grounds, investing in roads, improving transport, parking, and fixing rivers. He is president of North Launceston Football Club.
GEOFF BRAYFORD ... Councillor candidate
Mr Brayford has an engineering and business background. He was a member of Launceston Rotary and was state president of Engineers Australia in 2006. He previously worked for council as a city infrastructure manager.
ALEX BRITTON ... Councillor candidate
Mr Britton is a local business owner who co-owns Levee Restaurant. He wants to see council find a solution for the kanamaluka/Tamar and believes in "independent authority."
SUSIE CAI ... Councillor candidate
Ms Cai owns Launceston business Golden Brumby. She has a focus on "inappropriate development". Ms Cai will prioritise traffic congestion, Tamar River siltation and seeing equality in council.
ANDREA DAWKINS ... Deputy mayor and councillor candidate INCUMBENCY CANDIDATE
Ms Dawkins was first elected to council in 2014, she has a background in small business and is deputy chief officer for RSCPA Tasmania. Ms Dawkins wants to focus on working collaboratively with fellow councillors.
FENELLA EDWARDS ... Councillor candidate
Ms Edwards ran for the Senate earlier this year where she stood for forests and animals, increased housing availability and affordability. Her candidate statement was not supplied to the TEC. Ms Edwards has a background in the arts.
MATTHEW GARWOOD ...Deputy mayor and councillor candidate
Mr Garwood has a background in arts and music. His priorities for council are supporting business growth, CBD parking and the growth of Launceston including the northern suburbs.
JACOB GELSTON ... Deputy mayor and councillor candidate
Mr Gelston's focuses for council include a solution for the kanamaluka/Tamar area, housing affordability and homelessness, pushing for more fitness/lifestyle programs, and having more inclusive spaces.
DANNY GIBSON ... Mayor and councillor candidate INCUMBENCY CANDIDATE
Mr Gibson is council's incumbent deputy mayor. Mr Gibson's focus for council is to see more housing, a solution for kanamaluka/Tamar, and to leverage cultural institutions like the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery and Princess Theatre.
TIM GUNTON ... Deputy mayor and councillor candidate
Mr Gunton has had a varied working life, working as a tradie, before spending 20 years at Telstra and the past 10 years working at NBN. He has a focus on the promotion of the many minor sporting clubs and providing recreation facilities for youth.
ALAN HARRIS ... Mayor and councillor candidate INCUMBENCY CANDIDATE
Mr Harris is a current councillor, and was elected in 2018. His focus is to fix the kanamaluka/Tamar River, improve personal safety, parking, reinvigorate the CBD and optimise the transport network.
SAM HAY ...Councillor candidate
Mr Hay has a background in business. His primary focus is connecting people with council, supporting hospitality businesses and finding solutions to homelessness.
ANDREW LOVITT ... Councillor candidate
Mr Lovitt is the chair of the Tamar Action Group. His focus is to see the Tamar River "have a seat at the table."
HUGH MCKENZIE ...Deputy mayor and councillor candidateINCUMBENCY CANDIDATE
Mr McKenzie has been an elected councillor for 11 years and has a background in financial accountability. He wants to support sustainable growth, and promote workable transport and traffic strategies.
LINDI MCMAHON ... Councillor candidate
Ms McMahon is a business owner. Her priority for council is to see improved safety measures, further development, capping rates, finding real solutions to homelessness, sound traffic management and clean up Tamar River.
ROSS MARSDEN ... Deputy mayor and councillor candidate
Mr Marsden wants to see opportunities for future generations. Mr Marsden wants to represent Launceston's diverse population, individuals, families and local business. He has a background in media and business.
JARAD MURRAY ... Deputy mayor and councillor candidate
Mr Murray is a property manager and small business owner. His candidate statement was not supplied to the TEC. Mr Murray stands for sustainable development and improved liveability in Launceston.
ANDREW PALMER ... Councillor candidate
Mr Palmer has a background in the arts and is a business owner. He wants to hear what people want to see in council and see Launceston thrive.
TENILLE PENTLAND ... Councillor candidate
Ms Pentland owns a local hotel and is a financial planner. Her focus is on strategic planning for sustainable growth and futureproofed design. Ms Pentland also looks to develop strategies around cost of living and homelessness.
JOE PENTRIDGE ... Councillor candidate
Mr Pentridge's focus is to prioritise heritage. He wants to see council held accountable for its actions and respecting heritage.
BRUCE POTTER ... Councillor candidate
Mr Potter is a business owner and owned the Royal Oak Hotel for 42 years. He wants to see Launceston have a fair rating system, clean healthy river and strong employment.
KRISTA PREECE ... Deputy mayor and councillor candidate INCUMBENCY CANDIDATE
Ms Preece is a current councillor who replaced Janie Finlay in 2021. Ms Preece stands for growth in Launceston and wants to see a safe community that supports lifestyle, educational institutions, businesses, tourism, health, culture, arts, sport and people.
GEORGE RAZAY ... Mayor and councillor candidate
Dr Razay is a local physician. His focus for council is to play an active role in public health through combating air pollution and traffic congestion, revitalising the city centre, supporting homeless people especially with the increased cost of living, and improve the Tamar River.
KIRSTEN RITCHIE ... Deputy mayor and councillor candidate
Ms Ritchie is the founder of Strike It Out. Her campaign focus is on affordable cost of living, cleaning the Tamar River, traffic management, developing drop-in centres and youth centres, and transparency in council.
CECILY ROSOL ... councillor candidate
Ms Rosol has a background in health and ran as a Greens candidate earlier this year. Her council priorities are town planning, housing stress, inequality and climate change. Ms Rosol also wants to see the community enjoy public spaces.
BOB SALT ... Mayor and councillor candidate
Mr Salt has a business background and was a former Jacqui Lambie Network Bass candidate. Mr Salt wants to see the Tamar River's health resolved and other waste issues looked into.
STEVE SAUNDERS ... Councillor candidate
Mr Saunders has worked in corporate IT. He wants to focus on city growth, housing and homelessness, Aboriginal land justice, promoting EV use, local food security, maintaining Launceston's heritage character and liveability, and the Tamar mud.
Mr Spencer is a current councillor. He runs a business and works as an electrician. Mr Spencer wants to see reduced parking fees, late night shopping and solutions to help kanamaluka/Tamar River.
JOHN SUITOR ... Councillor candidate
Mr Suitor has previously been on Circular Head Council and has a background in water authority and planning. He wants to see another bridge over the Tamar, better roads, and a safe walking track at Windermere.
NELSON TABE ... Councillor candidate
Mr Tabe is a music teacher. He wants to see Launceston preserve its heritage while still moving forward. Mr Tabe wants to see council be impartial and allow all voices to be heard.
OWNE TILBURY ... Councillor candidate
Mr Tilbury has a background in arts and business. His priority for running council is cleaning up the Tamar and making it a "recreational treasure."
TIM WALKER ... Mayor and councillor candidate INCUMBENT CANDIDATE
Mr Walker is a current councillor for Launceston and has background in media and politics. Mr Walker's focus for council is to increase affordable housing, bring life to the CBD, reduce parking costs, protect our built heritage, restore the Tamar, green our shopping precincts and improve community consultation.

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