Against the background that the City of Launceston’s Council (CoL) apparently has great difficulty in regard identifying the expertise required to meets the actual requirements of the Local Govt. Act namely (See below) in dealing with contemporaneous placemaking and planning determinations something of a crisis has evolved.
As the situation grows more urgent by the day the shortcomings seemingly grow accordingly. Consequently, the case for a Council – operating as a governance body –initiating a Citizen’s Assembly/Jury or Community Housing Form, likewise becomes more compelling by the day.
“To comply with section 65 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas):
1. A general manager must ensure that any advice, information or recommendation given to the council or a council committee is given by a person who has the qualifications or experience necessary to give such advice, information or recommendation.
2. A council or council committee is not to decide on any matter which requires the advice of a qualified person without considering such advice unless -
(a) the general manager certifies, in writing -
(i) that such advice was obtained; and
(ii) the general manager took the advice into account in providing general advice to the council or council committee; and
(b) a copy of that advice or, if the advice was given orally, a written transcript or summary of that advice is provided to the council or council committee with the general manager's certificate.
I certify that:
(i) the advice of a qualified person has been sought where required;
(ii) this advice was taken into account in providing general advice to the council or council committee; and
(iii) a copy of the advice, or a written transcript or summary of advice provided orally, is included with the agenda item.
In attempt to explain the ‘for why’ it would be useful to pay attention to the following:
- The requisite ‘expertise actually exists’ in the community to the extent that it demonstrably does not in governance and by extension locally, the CoL’s administration; and
- The facts are that effectively, Councils (CoL in particular) only rarely have elected representatives nor ‘executive staff’ with the direct professional ‘placemaking’ [LINK] qualifications and experience relative to so many matters Council makes strategic determinations about; and
- The fact is that on the evidence CoL is not apparently functionally in compliance with SECTION 65 of the Local Govt. Act the GM (aka CEO) arguably is not delivering on the Act and/or its intent; and
- The fact is that reportedly Tasmania’s Govt. Housing Department does not apparently directly employ qualified architects, housing designers, and as a consequence, it delivers what is understood to be common denominator one-size-fits-all housing that clearly does not meet the 21ST C NEEDS of a great many people experiencing ‘housing stress’. Consequently, this in turn compromises its Development Applications to Council relative to current social housing needs where there is an imperative to deliver 'change' relative to current social and fiscal circumstances; and
- The fact is that Tasmania’s Planning Regulations are no longer ‘fit-for-purpose’ and thus better fit the housing circumstance of the kind that is the lived experience of elected representatives, the regulators, the public servant planners, and administrators, employed to oversight them and who are all too often under qualified to hold the positions they hold; and
- The fact is that Citizen’s Assemblies/Forums are exemplars of Participatory Democracy [LINK] that is open transparent and ‘deliberative’ in ways that offers 'a voice ' for those being ‘governed’ towards them being more adequately and more appropriately governed and served.
To the extent that these observations need to be tested the ideal opportunity for that would be under the aegis of an independent Citizen’s Assembly/Jury or Community Housing Form conducted at arm’s length from governant. In order for any ‘forum’ to be unconstrained by any political and/or administrative agendas and to be reflective of the constituency’s lived experiences it needs to seen to be independent.
In the absence of of anything representing the political will on the part of Local and State Governance – with CoL as an exemplar along the State Govt. – a growing cohort of people are looking to the Federal Govt to provide the required leadership. The tools are in evidence albeit that their employment is of concern since the will to put them to work is apparently absent.THE ROLE OF MUNICIPAL ARCHITECTS, SOCIAL SCIENTISTS ET AL
Against the background that the effective implementation of governance's planning procedures relative to 21st C circumstances, arguably, they are being seriously compromised due to the lack of appropriate and pertinently qualified professional advice typically provided by civil architects, academics, independent planners with social science qualifications and experience. Moreover, it is increasingly the case that in this space, inadequate and incongruous advice is privileged over alternative substantial and verifiable professional concerns and considerations.
Largely, this can be attributed to local governance not retaining the services of certified practicing architect with direct professional experience who is indemnified and qualified to practice by the Australian Institute of Architects. By extension it is apparent that in local governance does not – in general and in reference to elected representatives and staff – perceive the need to engage with 'social science professionals' against the background that individually and personally they do not value such advice. Thus the stalemate persist to the detriment of those the status quo fails.
By extension this seems to mean:
- The CoL's, and local governance generally's, compliance with the Local Govt. Act the GM arguably is, relative to ‘planning processes’, at best unable to adequately meet the intention of the Act’s SECTION 65; if appropriate 'professionals' have not been and or are not being appropriately engaged with: and
- Given that Tasmania’s Planning Regulations, by-and-large are framed for a past era, and are thus no longer ‘fit-for-purpose’ and better fit the planning circumstance of that past era and thus, planning and placemaking determinations are fundamentally compromised, distorted and unsound relative to contemporaneous circumstances; and
- Given that elected representatives, the regulators, the public servant planners, and administrators, employed to oversight the State’s planning scheme are all too often under qualified to hold the positions they hold and furthermore, 'their lived experiences' are typically far removed from the lived experiences of a large percentage of those they make ‘representational’ determinations for, and are thus relatively irrelevant to the constituency they are not engaged with; and
- Given that elected representatives can be shown to have made ‘poorly planned’ determinations, determinations acted upon without the appropriate requisite professional advice of an indemnified professional, compromised outcomes, in time, become evident. It turns out that the advice would have, indeed it may already have had, avoidable and expensive consequences. Arguably all this in case after case is the outcome of a poorly prepared brief prepared in isolation from, and all too often insulated against, the likes of a Municipal Architect, thus there is a lesson to be learned – albeit no hint of that being the case.
That all this is not a part of the 'public discourse' is lamentable. Moreover, that it is apparent that the press is disinclined to engage in this space this in turn is indicative of all that is currently invested in the status quo with its inherent shortfalls and all too often diabolical outcomes.
In so many ways Lewis Carroll articulated the circumstance in operation now, back in in 1865 ″‘You couldn’t have it if you did want it,’ the Queen said. ‘The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday – but never jam to-day.’ ‘It must come sometimes to ‘jam to-day,″ Alice objected. ‘No, it can’t,’ said the Queen. ‘It’s jam every other day: to-day isn’t any other day, you know.‘”
Essentially what is being laid out here is an overview of the prevailing 'status quo' and it's consequences – arguably hellish for a very large cohort of people. Albeit something of a cliche by now, President Ronald Reagan called out the status quo in saying "the status quo, you know, is Latin for the mess we are in". For whatever reason it is something to be mindful of and especially in regard to Indirect Representational Democracy.
So much for indirect representative democracy! And, so much for effective, accountable, and transparent, governance and especially so in regard to local governance. Arguably, it is both broken and redundant! Moreover, on the evidence, political investment in the status quo is enormous.
Whatever, what is needed here on the housing front is effective community engagement. That is direct deliberation with those with all the expertise and lived experiences –those experiencing housing stress, et al.
Citizen’s Juries/Assemblies hold considerable promise and they have demonstrably delivered on that promise. However, jurisdictions such as in play at Launceston Town Hall it is demonstrably disinclined to go down that path as it requires managerial and representational accountability. Likewise the State Govt is also disinclined apparently!
As a case study, Launceston has within the city an abandoned Nurses Home in the precinct of the Launceston General Hospital. It is speculated that refurbished it has the potential to provide appropriate housing for something in the order of 100 people. Nonetheless, there is an apparent disinclination on the part of CoL to engage in this space. Moreover, the Tasmanian Govt. is apparently disinclined as well.
In any event, on the evidence what we have here in the abandoned LGH Nurse’s Home is:
- A community asset, owned by the community, paid for by the community; and
- An asset that is no longer fit-for-purpose as it once was; and
- An asset that has considerable potential to alleviate the stress of a considerable number of people suffering the consequences ‘governance’s’ failures over time; and
- An asset currently managed by a department – the Health Dept – that no longer has a purposeful use for the community asset; and
- An asset that another department – the Housing Dept – has expressed an interest in resting it from its current management;
- An asset that the Housing Dept. has no demonstrated capacity to manage all the ‘values’ in it –heritage, 21st architectural, etc; and
- An asset that is capable of being refurbished in such a way as to make a considerable contribution to the wellbeing of the community who in fact ’own’ it and have invested in it over time; and
- An asset that needs ‘outside the box thinking’ with nobody inclined to be innovative let alone be audacious.
All that said, the ‘political will’ to be proactive is not in evidence but speculatively it seems that for whatever might pass for ‘rationalism’ with opportunist developers inevitably lurking on the ready to profit from using this ‘community asset’ is palpable. Given that it is highly unlikely to be for the 'purpose' of housing people in affordable and much needed 'home places' the disconnect is more than lamentable.
The fact that this opportunity has been drawn to a Councillor's attention and that apparently they see no 'strategic purpose' in exploring the options and opportunities in any kind of open, transparent , and accountable way that seems to represent a failure of indirect representational democracy.
Back in November the ABC reported 640,000 Australian households in housing stress, in an analysis using census data. It is ever likely that the numbers have grown and significantly. Moreover, a good many of these people are 'collateral damage' relative to the rising interest rates and a long list of fiscal consequences.
Relative to local governance, this is where 'the rubber hits the road', and politically, this is less so when it comes to regional cum state governance. While there may well be elected representatives who, at a relatively safe distance, have some exposure to the issue. However, when it it charactorised as 'homelessness' it represents a serious disconnect in that immediately all those experiencing housing stress are considered 'charity cases' and the disconnect rolls on from there.
This is more than unfortunate in that for a large cohort of people expressing their distress they are not, or should not be, charity cases. Many hold down relatively good jobs and it is just the case that they are unable to pay the rents being asked. Certainly, that is not the case across the full spectrum of people suffering housing stress but it needs very careful consideration.
- Firstly, there is what we all need to sustain life – sufficient oxygen, food, water and shelter.
- Secondly, there is the imperative to identify within the group one identifies with and within – the family, tribe, community, nation.
- Thirdly, there is the imperative to procreate – both genetically and ideologically.
- Fourthly, there is the imperative to establish a HOMEplace – somewhere that provides safe shelter, somewhere to fulfil the first three imperatives, somewhere where one is welcome and welcomed.
If against the backgrounding presented here it turns out that the Federal Government is disinclined to proactively engage with the wider community in an attempt to find a socially and culturally inclusive way to address housing stress in a 21st C context it will be a sorry day for all concerned.
- Muster resources in ‘the community’;
- Undertake the publicity such as that which can be reliably found in communities worldwide; and
- Hold the credibility and trust worthiness important to be there in order to develop crowd funding initiatives etc.
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- Click here to download model rules of a distributing Co-operative
The reports that census data alerts us to unacceptable numbers of Australians are experiencing housing stress are alarming. Indeed, they point to an ongoing and possibly an intractable problem if left to current political mindsets. When Albert Einstein said "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" he was talking about situations like this where people become 'collateral damage' in the wake status quoism.
The notion that there is a common denominator solution that once applied to the housing of people is sheer folly. That there might be such a 'thing' , that adequately and in a diverse range of socio-geographic circumstances, actually fails the credibility test. While it may be something that public servants tasked by the political classes may believe, the one-size-fits all mindset must fail to deliver in spectacular ways – and unsurprisingly this has already happened in post WW2 reconstruction projects.
As Indirect Representational Democracy (IRD) faces new and more demanding challenges. That in is, challenges brought on by evolving technologies that place increasing demands for Participatory Democracy and Participatory Governance it become increasingly evident that it is so.
The evolution of Citizen's Juries and Assemblies are very much a part this community thrust towards 21st C political transparency and accountability. Citizen's deliberation demonstrably makes for better democratic outcomes.
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Good governance should never aim tell its constituency what to do. Rather it should be accountable and provide its constituents with the knowledge with which networks of people can decide what would be best for them to do – and when possible and required, the means to do it.
Charmaine Manuel ... June 18 2023
The funds are part of the $2 billion Social Housing Fund Accelerator payment being provided to all states and territories within the next two weeks.
"We know Tasmanians want practical solutions, and we'll work with the state government to get on with the job of delivering more social housing," Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said.
Funding has been allocated on a per capita basis with a minimum of $50 million allocated to each state and territory.
States and territories will have flexibility in how they permanently boost social housing stock.
This could include new builds, expanding existing programs, or renovating existing but currently uninhabitable housing stock.
It's hoped that this will create thousands of homes for Australians on social housing waiting lists
All funding is to be committed by states and territories within two years ending 30 June, 2025.
Federal Housing Minister Julie Collins said the funding would help build more rental homes in Tasmania.
"We could do even more if the Senate stopped blocking our $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund," she said.
The state government welcomed the announcement, and said that it would spend $1.5 billion over 10 years to build 10,000 social and affordable homes.
The government plans to have 1500 of those homes built by the end of this month.
"I attended national cabinet on Friday and all state and territory leaders agreed with the Prime Minister that increasing supply was an imperative," Premier Jeremy Rockliff said.
"At national cabinet we were able to get our fair share of the new $2 billion Social Housing Accelerator announced yesterday by the Prime Minister.
"In fact, Tasmania will receive $50 million over two years which is above a per capita proportion of funds, and will assist us to continue to increase supply and deliver homes for those who need them most."
State Housing Minister Guy Barnett said he would be working with Homes Tasmania to ensure additional funding that flows to Tasmania delivers homes for those most in need.
"Our top three priorities are supply, supply and supply and this funding will help Homes Tasmania deliver that," Minister Barnett said.
The state government said the Social Housing Accelerator funding in addition to the National Housing Accord would deliver a pipeline of housing supply to increase affordability.
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